Turkey replaces prosecutor who indicted US pastor Brunson

Turkey replaces prosecutor who indicted US pastor Brunson
At the outset last week of Turkey’s new judicial year, the Izmir prosecutor who prepared the controversial indictment accusing US pastor Andrew Brunson of terrorism and espionage was reassigned to another bureau. Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul dismissed the transfer simply as a “routine procedure” with no particular significance, referring to . . . Read More

Nigeria: Pastor and three sons burned alive among at least 20 killed in latest Plateau massacre

Nigeria: Pastor and three sons burned alive among at least 20 killed in latest Plateau massacre
A spate of attacks, in which at least 20 were killed in Nigeria’s central Plateau State over the last week of August, has shattered peace efforts by religious and political leaders in its capital, Jos. Three months ago, heavily armed Fulani militants stormed 15 villages across the same Barkin Ladi . . . Read More

Life in 70-years-old North Korea ‘is like living in Orwell’s 1984’, says escapee

North Korea is preparing to celebrate its 70th anniversary while the majority of its population faces multiple challenges every day, including food shortages and human rights violations. (Photo: ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images)
As North Korea prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary this weekend with a military parade and “Mass Games”, its population lives in perpetual war (the 1953 Korean War has never officially ended), under government surveillance and with a propaganda machine controlled by the national leader’s personality cult. The reality is . . . Read More

EU should ‘put people of the world’ first in quest for religious freedom – report

EU should ‘put people of the world’ first in quest for religious freedom – report
Members of the European Parliament (EP) have called on the EU to “put the people of the world before our financial and political interests”, in a report about religious freedom. The Annual Report on Freedom of Religion or Belief 2017, presented by the EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or . . . Read More

Nicaragua: Christians attacked, detained and killed as ‘enemies of the regime’

More violence erupted during another anti-government protest in the capital Managua on Sunday (2 September) in which at least three people were injured. (Photo: INTI OCON/AFP/Getty Images)
Nicaragua’s president ordered a UN commission to leave the country on 1 September after it criticised the government for alleged human rights abuses committed during its clampdown on anti-government protestors. In its report, the UN Commission on Human Rights “called on the government to stop the persecution of protestors and . . . Read More

Nigerians displaced by Boko Haram told to return to dangerous areas to vote

Nigerians displaced by Boko Haram told to return to dangerous areas to vote
In northeast Nigeria, thousands of people who have fled Boko Haram’s attacks have been told to return back home, despite security concerns. Boko Haram’s nine-year insurgency has led to an acute crisis, described by the United Nations as one of the most severe in the world today, with more than 20,000 people killed, . . . Read More

As Sudan hosts CAR peace talks, Russia offers to get more involved

As Sudan hosts CAR peace talks, Russia offers to get more involved
The three top faith leaders of the Central African Republic (CAR), who have won international recognition for efforts to end its conflict, have pledged to work with Russians to foster reconciliation in CAR. On 23 August, they attended a one-day meeting organised by Valery Zakharov, a Russian diplomat and security . . . Read More