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Iranians await appeal verdict

Four Iranian Christians are awaiting the verdict of an appeal against their one-year jail sentences for spreading Christianity in Iran. Amin Khaki, Hossein Barounzadeh, Mohammad Bahrami and Rahman Bahmani were sentenced in October 2015. Their appeal was heard on 1 Feb. and the judge is expected to give a ruling . . . Read More

Italy takes 1,000 refugees via humanitarian visas

Italian Protestant churches will help settle 1,000 refugees arriving there this month through a “humanitarian corridor” from camps in Lebanon, Morocco and Ethiopia. The refugees, including both Christians and Muslims, will travel under the safety of humanitarian visas so they are not tempted to risk deadly sea crossings to Europe. . . . Read More

Egypt returns confiscated SAT-7 equipment

Egyptian authorities have returned all the equipment they had earlier confiscated from SAT-7 local offices, (Feb.2). This comes more than three months after the country’s censorship police , seizing computers and production equipment. On October 10, 2015, the authorities came to the SAT-7 Cairo offices with a search warrant. Country . . . Read More