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16 more Assyrian hostages freed

Another 16 Assyrian Christian hostages of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, abducted 10 months ago, have been released, The were among 230 people abducted nearly a year ago when IS raided dozens of villages in northern Syria. Middle East Concern said “many months” of negotiations involving church representatives have resulted in . . . Read More

Can Garissa ever recover after mass killing?

A journalist, who was profoundly affected when he reported from Kenya’s Garissa University College after 148 students died, has returned since to see if life can ever be the same for Garissa. The , from Garissa, describes how what he saw during the April 2015 attack by Al-Shabaab militant Islamists caused him . . . Read More

IS allegiance reported in Philippines

A video has emerged showing the leader of Abu Sayyaf (a militant Islamist group based around the islands of and in south-western Philippines) swearing allegiance to the leader of Islamic State, reports Rappler, a digital news website based in the Philippines. The Abu Sayyaf leader is shown marching with other extremist . . . Read More