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Iraqi priest released

An Iraqi priest has been released, two weeks after he was abducted on his way back to his parish in Yacoubieh in Syria’s Idlib province, reports the . Franciscan friar Dhiya Azziz, 41, apparently disappeared from Lattakia, Syria, on 23 December after visiting his family (refugees in Turkey). Released on . . . Read More

Australian Minister ‘confused’ over Islamic dogma

A claim by Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Australia’s Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs, that Islam has no overarching authority has been . Responding to Fierravanti-Wells’ article in ‘The Australian’, “We need mellow Muslims and moderate imams”, in which she asserts that “there is no overarching authority to establish or forbid religious practices . . . Read More

3 bombs kill 16 in Syrian border town

Bombers attacked three Christian-owned restaurants in the Syrian town of Qamishli on 30 Dec., killing at least 16 and injuring dozens, according to various independent news reports. The self-proclaimed “Islamic State” claimed responsibility, , citing the Amaq news service, which supports IS. The Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, Moran Mor . . . Read More

Kenyan university reopens 9 months after massacre

Kenya’s Garissa University has reopened nine months after a Somalian Islamist group attacked the campus and killed 148 students, . Many by the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab gunmen in what was the deadliest attack on Kenyan soil since the US Embassy bombings in 1998. Police have established a post on the campus . . . Read More

Sudanese pastors arrested

Two Sudanese pastors have been arrested, four months after the of fellow pastors Yat Michael and Peter Yen, who could have faced the death penalty after accusations of “spying”. It is not yet known why Rev. Kowa Shamaal and Rev. Hassan Abdelrahim (from the Sudanese Church of Christ) were arrested, . . . Read More