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US Senate condemns IS sexual violence

The U.S. Senate has “ongoing sexual violence” by the self-proclaimed Islamic State against Christian and other minority women in Iraq. The resolution, , arose from a September hearing at which an Iraqi woman told members of Congress about her escape from sexual enslavement at the hands of an American fighting . . . Read More

Chibok girls not among 900 rescued

None of the 900 people freed from Boko Haram captivity earlier this month are victims of the 2014 kidnapping of schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigeria, according to news reports. Cameroon said 2 Dec. it had freed the 900, held by the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency, in Nigeria’s northern region. As , . . . Read More

Christianity keeps growing in China

China will become increasingly Christian in the coming decades, , in Indiana, USA. “By 2030, China is projected to have some 225 million Protestant Christians alone, a figure similar to the entire Christian population today in the United States,” said Fenggang Yang. “It is reasonable to expect the growth will . . . Read More

Push to include Christians in IS ‘genocide’ charge

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has called on its government to include Christians in the definition of those at risk of genocide from Islamic State’s campaign in Syria and Iraq. A calls for a broader inclusion of Christians, Shi’a, Turkmen and Shabak communities as well as Yazidis, . . . Read More

Facebook safe button turned on after Nigeria bomb

Facebook activated its safety check feature after the suicide attack on 17 November that killed 34 and injured 80 in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Yola, . The social networking site had been criticised for activating the feature after the attack on Paris, but not for other atrocities. The safety . . . Read More