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China accused of ’emasculating’ Christianity

The Chinese government is attempting to “co-opt and emasculate” Christianity, which many believe has more adherents than the 87-million member Communist party, . “I don’t believe the government will close the Church but I do believe they want to manage it”, one underground pastor said anonymously ahead of a secretive . . . Read More

Iraqi conversion law under review

An Iraqi law forcing children from minority faiths to become Muslims may be one step closer to amendment after protests from Christian MPs and other minority leaders. In October, four Christian members of the Iraqi parliament called for a change in the law to preserve the religion of dependent children . . . Read More

Iranian Christian released

An Iranian Christian has been released from prison in the southern city of Shiraz, reports Middle East Concern. Soroush Saraei had been in prison since July 2014 and was serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence for “action against national security” and “propaganda against the order of the system”. He was arrested alongside . . . Read More

Pakistan’s blasphemy laws ‘fundamentally unfair’

Pakistan’s implementation of its controversial blasphemy laws is “fundamentally unfair”, according to a report by the International Commission of Jurists. The ICJ report documents problems including: intimidation and harassment of judges and lawyers, bias against defendants, undue rejection of bail and prolonged pre-trial detention, “incompetent” investigation and prosecution, the prosecution . . . Read More