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Anti-conversion laws threaten another Indian state

Hindu extremists have called for “anti-conversion laws” to be introduced in India’s Jharkhand state, after local media reported that 300 tribals had converted to Christianity. But Catholic Cardinal Telesphore Toppo told UCA News the reports were false and that the indigenous people were already Christians. Jharkhand has a higher than . . . Read More

Indonesian Christians flee violent attacks

A church has been burnt down and another targeted in Indonesia’s Aceh province. Clashes broke out between Muslims and Christians following the arson on 13 October in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. One person was killed and dozens injured, while thousands of Christians fled the province, reports UCA News. . . . Read More

Kazakh Christian could face 10 years in jail

A Seventh-day Adventist in Kazakhstan could face between five and 10 years in prison if convicted of “spreading religious discord”. Yklas Kabduakasov, 54, was arrested in August, after a year of police surveillance and the secret filming of a conversation between him and four Muslim students. His trial began in . . . Read More