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Laos Christian ‘denied medication’ dies

Human Rights Watcher for Lao Religious Freedom has called on the Laotian government to accept responsibility for the death of a Christian man, who was reportedly denied access to his diabetes medication during nine months in prison. Tiang Kwentianthong, 61, died on 20 Sept., six months after his release from . . . Read More

Nigeria stops all transport in Borno

Cars, public transport, horses, donkeys and camels have been banned in Nigeria’s Borno state until the end of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on Friday (25 Sept.), in an attempt to guard against another terrorist attack by Boko Haram. Fifty-four people were killed in an attack in Maiduguri, the . . . Read More

India: Nun killed in Kerala

A nun has been murdered in the southern Indian state of Kerala, reports Fides. Sister Amala Valummel, 69, was found dead on 17 Sep. at her convent in the town of Palai. This is the fourth incident involving an Indian nun that World Watch Monitor has reported in 2015. In . . . Read More