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Laos pastor murdered ‘in cold blood’

Christians in Laos are treating the killing of a Protestant pastor as a “cold-blooded murder” based on his profession. “Local Christians ruled out robbery as a possible motivation for this ruthless and cold-blooded murder,” reports Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF). “They believe that his death was the . . . Read More

Yemen church set on fire

Masked militants yesterday (16. Sep) set ablaze one of the few remaining churches in Aden, Yemen’s southern port city. The fire, which witnesses told the BBC burned the entire contents of the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church in the city’s Crater neighbourhood, came the day after vandals had broken in . . . Read More

Another Mexican Protestant suffers

A Mexican Protestant recently detained for the third time by local authorities has now seen his three children banned from attending the local school and his home cut off from the village’s water and electricity services. His crime? Attending an Evangelical church. The state Ombudsman in Oaxaca has publicly condemned . . . Read More

Boko Haram captives ‘lack skills’ to challenge orders

A Nigerian wants to roll out counter-radicalisation initiatives to help young people, in case of kidnap, to resist the pressure to carry out orders from jihadists. In a BBC interview, Dr Fatima Akilu, head of the Nigerian government’s Countering Violent Extremism Programme, said she found the ability of former captives . . . Read More