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‘We won’t let diversity of ME disappear’

A UN conference has announced a plan to protect minorities persecuted by the so-called Islamic State in the Middle East. Speaking at the conference in Paris of 60 countries on Tuesday, 8 Sep., French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said several countries would announce financial pledges in the coming months for . . . Read More

UK and US must ‘do God’ together

The UK and US must better respond to a “stubbornly and pervasively religious world”, says a report by the British University of Leeds. ‘Toward Religion-Attentive Foreign Policy’ suggests former Prime Ministerial adviser Alastair Campbell’s quip that “We [Tony Blair’s governing Labour Party] don’t do God” is outdated, now that the . . . Read More

Cameroon must deal with religious radicalism

The emergence of radical religious groups has dramatically changed the landscape in Cameroon, paving the way for religious intolerance, says the International Crisis Group (ICG), in a new report. Unlike its neighboring Nigeria and the Central African Republic, Cameroon has never experienced significant sectarian violence. However, ICG reports, the emergence . . . Read More

ISIS’s humanitarian crisis continues

A year after the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the “appalling, widespread and systematic deprivation of human rights” by the Islamic State, the situation remains much the same, according to Rene Wadlow, President of the Association of World Citizens. In a blog titled ‘The Continuing Humanitarian Crisis in . . . Read More