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Iranian Christian released, but 90 still in prison

An Iranian Christian has been released from prison after a three-and-a-half-year sentence for “propaganda against the regime” and “acting against national security”. Alireza Seyyedian, a Church of Iran member, was originally sentenced to six years’ imprisonment, 90 lashes and a fine, reports Middle East Concern, but his sentence was reduced . . . Read More

Church and clerics attacked in CAR

In July 2014, a ceasefire was signed between the two main warring groups in the Central African Republic: a predominantly Muslim rebel coalition known as Séléka, and violent vigilante groups opposing their advance, which became known as the “anti-Balaka” (“Balaka” means “machete”). Former members of the now-disbanded Séléka rebel movement, . . . Read More

Kenyans call for Garissa College reopening

Kenyan activists have called for the reopening of Garissa University College, four months after an al-Shabaab attack left 148 students dead. The 2 April attack, during which Christians were singled out and killed, has affected the local economy and students are complaining about missing out on education, reports the BBC. . . . Read More