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Nepal earthquake revives burial debate

With nearly 8,000 dead from Nepal’s worst earthquake since 1934 the relief effort has turned to recovery and finding the 400 missing people. The quake struck on Saturday morning, the time when many Christian church services were taking place. Many of the estimated 150 Christians killed died when the buildings . . . Read More

Death sentence for killers of Afghan woman

Four Afghan men have been sentenced to death for the mob killing of a woman falsely accused of burning a copy of the Qu’ran. The 28-year-old woman, called Farkhunda, got into an argument with a man selling amulets outside Kabul’s Shah-Du-Shamshaira shrine when the accusation was made. The amulet seller . . . Read More

Religious groups face extinction around world

Campaigners warn that 100 years after the Armenian genocide there are still religious and ethnic groups facing extinction around the world. Groups identified include Christians in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and the Central African Republic (CAR), and the Christian Kachin in Myanmar. Each of these countries is listed on the 2015 . . . Read More

Garissa warnings ‘ignored’

Kenya’s Interior Minister has accused security officers of ignoring warnings about a potential attack before the Al-Shabaab assault on Garissa University College, which left 148 students dead. Joseph Nkaisserry told a parliamentary committee in Nairobi that the response to the attack was also poorly coordinated, reports the BBC. After the . . . Read More

BBC’s Syrian refugee game criticised

An interactive game, published by the BBC showing the choices Syrians face if they choose to flee their country’s conflict, has attracted criticism despite its popularity. ‘Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route,’ has received over one million hits, according to the BBC. But the UK’s Daily Mail says the . . . Read More