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‘Token’ arrests frustrate Indian bishop

An Indian bishop has accused police of ‘tokenism’ after they swiftly released on bail six suspects allegedly caught on camera vandalising a cathedral in central India on March 20. “Such kind of tokenism from police [will] not help bring in confidence among beleaguered Christians,” said Bishop Gerald Almeida. The men were . . . Read More

China’s church ‘demolition campaign’ ends

An alleged ‘demolition campaign’ against churches in a province in eastern China has ended, a Chinese bishop has claimed. Bishop Paul Meng Qinglu told UCA News the alleged campaign in Zhejiang province, south of Shanghai, was stopped after complaints from church leaders across China. More than 400 crosses were removed . . . Read More

Ukraine Christians living in fear

Christians in eastern Ukraine fear growing persecution from pro-Russian separatists who have declared religious groups not affiliated to the Russian Orthodox Church to be their potential enemy. Since the Russian-backed rebels established the Donetsk People’s Republic in April 2014, their self-declared government made Russia’s Orthodox Church their official faith. The . . . Read More

100s attend funerals of Pakistan Christians

Tight security surrounded the funerals in Lahore on Tuesday of Pakistan Christians killed by two Taliban suicide bomb attacks. Hundreds of Christians had to submit to security checks as they attended the funerals in Lahore’s biggest Christian neighbourhood. The bomb attacks on Sunday left 17 dead and more than 80 . . . Read More

Mother Superior, 71, gang-raped in India

A 71-year-old Mother Superior was gang-raped at a convent in eastern India on Saturday (14 March), after she confronted a group of armed robbers. The robbers were caught on CCTV and eight men questioned by police following the incident at the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Ranaghat, near Kolkata. . . . Read More

Mass arrest of Thailand’s Christian asylum seekers

Thailand’s internal political pressures on its Bangkok UNHCR office has resulted in the arrest of at least 50 Pakistani Christian asylum seekers, a church leader there told World Watch Monitor. On March 7, the Chief of Pakistan’s Christian Congress wrote to the Thai Prime Minister, about arrests of those registered . . . Read More