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India’s PM urged to investigate Delhi church fire

Investigations are currently underway after St. Sebastian’s church, among the largest in East Delhi, went up in flames on the morning of 1 December. According to Daijiworld, Delhi Archbishop Dr. Anil Couto has called on India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to urgently order a judicial enquiry into the fire in . . . Read More

Pope advised to stay away from China

The former bishop of Hong Kong has said he would advise the Pope against visiting China for fear that a papal trip could end up being manipulated by Beijing. Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun was speaking to the catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need about persecution of Christians in China, which he . . . Read More

Polish cleric, 15 hostages, released

The Cameroonian army says it has freed Polish Catholic priest Rev. Mateusz Dziedzic from his kidnappers. The priest’s captors say they voluntarily released Dziedzic and 15 other hostages as a goodwill gesture in hopes of political negotiations. Either way, the six-week hostage ordeal is over and the former hostages are . . . Read More