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Nigergian army back in control of Chibok

The Nigerian army has retaken Chibok after it fell to Boko Haram militants on 13 November. A local official told Al Jazeera that vigilantes joined forces with the army to push back Boko Haram militants two days after their attack, but added that the town is still not safe for . . . Read More

Boko Haram seize Chibok

Boko Haram militants have seized Chibok, the Nigerian town where they abducted more than 200 schoolgirls earlier this year. Fleeing residents told the BBC that militants attacked and took control of the largely Christian town on Thursday. Over recent months Boko Haram has repeatedly attacked nearby villages. Security forces ran . . . Read More

‘Freedom of Religion’: comprehensive report launch

A report showing that religious freedom is compromised in nearly 60 percent of countries worldwide is expected to send a signal to governments and religious leaders that this is an issue that can no longer be ignored. The international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need’s Religious Freedom in . . . Read More

New persecution book goes to great lengths

Another book attempting to document the scope of anti-Christian pressure around the world has rolled off the press, the latest in a handful of large-scale research efforts to be published in the past two years. At more than 800 pages, “The Black Book On The Condition of Christians In The . . . Read More