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Iranian convert jailed for evangelism

An Iranian Christian convert has been sentenced to one year in prison for charges including evangelism. Hossein Saketi Aramsari was tried at the Revolutionary Court in Karaj, near Tehran. He was arrested in July of last year. Source: Mohabat News

Egypt’s President visits church

Egypt’s President has attended Christmas celebrations at Cairo’s Orthodox Cathedral: reported to be the first time in history that the President has done so. The gesture of solidarity comes at a poignant time for Egypt’s 10% Christian minority, who last year experienced their worst violence, at the hands of lslamists, . . . Read More

Freed priest returns to France

Georges Vandenbeusch, the French priest held hostage for nearly seven weeks in Cameroon, returned to France on New Year’s Day. President Francois Hollande greeted the 42-year-old cleric at an Air Force base near Paris early on Jan. 1, after France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius received him in the Cameroon capital of Yaounde. The . . . Read More

Iranian converts arrested

Five Iranian converts to Christianity were arrested while celebrating Christmas together in Tehran, reports Mohabat News. Ahmad Bazyar, Fagheh Nasrollahi, Mastaneh Rastegari, Amir-Hossein Ne’matollahi and another man with the surname of Hosseini were arrested on Christmas Eve at Mr. Hosseini’s house and taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile Mohabat News . . . Read More

More Christians arrested in Nanle

Several more members of Nanle County Church in Henan Province in China have been arrested, China Aid reports. Those reportedly detained include the youngest daughter of Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who was himself one of the 24 church members arrested last month. Seven of the 24 were reportedly released, but the . . . Read More

One of ‘worst ever’ years for Copts

Egypt’s Coptic Christians are undergoing some of the worst persecution of their 2000-year history, reports CBS News. In its flagship programme, ‘60 Minutes’, CBS reports that Copts hoped Egypt’s revolution would improve their fortunes, but instead the last year has been “one of their worst ever”.

Lawyers begin hunger strike

Fifteen lawyers who have been prevented from seeing their clients – a group of 24 Chinese Christians arrested in Henan Province earlier this month – have started a hunger strike outside the Nanle County Public Security Bureau. China Aid reports that of the 24 Christians detained, seven have been released, . . . Read More

Retired Iranian pastor jailed

A retired Iranian pastor has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison. Rev. Vruir Avanessian, 61, who is of Armenian descent, was found guilty on 5 December of anti-government activities and promotion of ideas contrary to the sanctity of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The pastor, who is reported to . . . Read More