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Bishops arrested at Dalit protest

Bishops were arrested by police in India during a protest against the discrimination of the Christian Dalit minority. Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi was among those arrested during the protest on 11 December. He and several other bishops were taken to a local police station and later released, reports UCA. . . . Read More

Iranians released two weeks early

Two Iranian Christians have been released from jail two weeks before the end of their sentences. Farhad Sabokrouh, pastor of the Assemblies of God Church in Ahwaz, and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on December 4, seven months after their incarceration for converting from Islam to Christianity, proselytising Muslims, and propagating . . . Read More

Egypt’s draft constitution explained

Egypt’s Constituent Assembly declared on Monday that the draft of the country’s proposed new constitution is ready for public review. A popular vote is intended within 30 days of Monday’s release. What’s in it? The Washington, D.C.-based Atlantic Council has published a close study of the document, including a detailed . . . Read More

Peace efforts in Tanzania ‘useless’

Christian leaders in Tanzania have said peace efforts between Christians and Muslims in the country have proved useless after the recent burning of two churches. The torching of a Lutheran church in Korogwe and Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Kalalani have caused the union of church denominations in the . . . Read More