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Bae ‘in better health’

The mother of imprisoned Korean-American Christian Kenneth Bae has told the BBC his health has improved after two months of medical treatment. However, she said she fears his health will suffer if he is returned to a labour camp. Last November, Bae was sentenced to 15 years’ hard labour, convicted . . . Read More

Police tell Mexicans not to evangelise

A Mexican pastor and 30 members of his congregation have been released after a 72-hour detention for evangelism. The group from Galiléa Church in the southern city of Ocosingo were warned that they would be sent back to prison if they continued to evangelise.

Coptic wedding party attacked in Cairo

Four people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been killed in an attack outside a Coptic church after a wedding in Cairo. At least nine others were injured, some seriously, after the attack by gunmen on motorbikes. Egypt’s Prime Minister has condemned the attack, saying that the perpetrators will not succeed in . . . Read More

Court hearing for Moroccan delayed

A court hearing for Mohamed el Baldi, a Moroccan Christian accused of ‘shaking the faith of a Muslim’, has been postponed to Dec. 31. Arrested Aug. 28, Mohamed was sentenced shortly thereafter to 30 months. He was conditionally released following a Sept. 26 court appearance, and an appeal hearing initially . . . Read More

EU Parliament pleads for Christian safety

The European Parliament has gone on record condemning violence against Christians in several countries. In a resolution passed on Thursday, Oct. 10, the parliament: Condemned militant attacks on Christians in Syria, and called for protection of monasteries and humanitarian support for nuns and orphans; Condemned the Sept. 22 bombing attack . . . Read More