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Philippines: Catholic priest, Marawi hostage for almost 4 months, tries to find healing

Fr. Teresito “Chito” Suganob in a still taken from an IS propaganda video posted on 30 May last year.
One year after Islamist militants stormed the southern Philippines city of Marawi and 8 months since his escape from his kidnappers, Catholic priest Father Teresito Suganob is trying to find healing for himself and his nation, reported UCAN. Father Suganob was one of around 200 people who were taken hostage . . . Read More

Russia: new ruling could reduce prosecutions under ‘anti-missionary’ law

Russia's Constitutional Court
Lawyers working for Christian and other minority religious organisations in Russia have welcomed a Constitutional Court ruling over the country’s so-called “anti-missionary law”, reports regional news agency Forum 18. The March ruling helps to partially clarify what is missionary activity. It stated that “giving information about religious events would constitute . . . Read More

DR Congo: Ten killed, nuns kidnapped as presumed Islamist militants strike again in east

DR Congo: Ten killed, nuns kidnapped as presumed Islamist militants strike again in east
At least ten people have died in an attack near the town of Mbangkoro in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s volatile region of North Kivu, on Sunday (20 May). It was nearly 6pm when armed men in uniform started firing at inhabitants. They burned a car, killing some inside; others . . . Read More

China: Beijing house churches investigated and ordered to close

Cross of a state-sanctioned Three-Self church in Beijing is visible just above the facades of the city while China's government is trying to get more control over house churches. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Authorities in China’s capital Beijing investigated two house churches earlier this month and also pressured landlords to cancel the leases of their meeting places, China Aid reported. Officials from the Xicheng District Public Security Bureau attended a church meeting on Sunday 6 May. Without interrupting the service they investigated proceedings . . . Read More

Ten killed as Christian college attacked in South Sudan

Residential accommodation at Emmanuel Christian Training Centre in Goli, South Sudan. (Photo: Open Doors International, 2009)
At least ten people, including five children, have been killed in an attack on a college in South Sudan teaching Theology, Education and Business, according to the Christian charity Open Doors International. Three guards and five students – one secondary and four primary school pupils – were among the victims . . . Read More