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Israel: closure of Christianity’s ‘holiest site’ an ‘alarm signal’

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Christianity's 'holiest site', in Jerusalem. (Photo: Larry Koester via Flickr; CC 2.0)
Last week’s closure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem – Christianity’s ‘holiest site’ – was not just a protest over perceived government intervention; it was an “alarm signal” over the future of the city, according to a church spokesperson. “Can Jerusalem be a holy city for Jews, . . . Read More

First-ever peacebuilding platform for Arab Christian and Muslim leaders

First-ever peacebuilding platform for Arab Christian and Muslim leaders
More than 200 leaders from the Arab region have met to commit to peacebuilding and repairing the divisions created by extremists. The ‘Interreligious Dialogue for Peace: Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Common Citizenship’ conference, organised by the Vienna-based International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), was the first of its kind for Christian and . . . Read More

Religious freedom learning platform launched at UN

Religious freedom learning platform launched at UN
A new website to help promote understanding of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) was launched yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland, at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council. The Sweden-based FoRB Learning Platform provides downloadable resources in 13 different languages, including quick guides to religious rights, movie clips, theological . . . Read More

Rights group tells Russia to ‘properly respect’ religious freedom

Rights group tells Russia to ‘properly respect’ religious freedom
Religious freedom advocate ADF International is today (7 March) filing a third-party brief with the European Court of Human Rights, arguing “for the right to religious freedom to be properly respected in Russia”. (Such a brief is a statement by a third party, usually an NGO or academic, which has . . . Read More