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Jerusalem church leaders object to municipal tax levy

Land in Jerusalem is at centre of tensions between municipality and churches. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
The Jerusalem municipality has announced that churches in the city need to start paying municipal taxes, but church leaders have objected, saying they already “invest billions”. In a statement released yesterday (14 February), the Patriarchs and Church Heads of Jerusalem said charging them taxes “is contrary to the historic position . . . Read More

Bangladesh Catholics protest over church attack

Bangladesh Catholics protest over church attack
More than 200 Catholics have marched in the Bangladesh capital, Dhaka, in protest over last week’s attack on one of the country’s oldest churches, reports Asia News. Attackers broke into Canterbury St. Augustine church, also in Dhaka, early on 8 February, tied up and beat the parish priest and stole money . . . Read More

Ghana churches banned from using stadium

Ghana churches banned from using stadium
At least four churches have been banned from holding religious service in a stadium in Ghana’s northern city of Tamale. In addition to hosting sport activities, the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium is used by a number of institutions, including religious organisations and political parties. The stadium was recently renamed after . . . Read More