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The Christian teenager IS turned into an atheist

Richard Hall / PRI
Seventeen-year-old Ibrahim* found himself trapped in the northern Iraqi town of Bartella along with his elderly mother in 2014. The website of the US-based Public Radio International (PRI) tells the story of what happened to them after Islamic State jihadists had expelled all the other Christians and installed themselves as . . . Read More

Religious freedom ‘most important foreign relations topic’ – Sam Brownback

Religious freedom ‘most important foreign relations topic’ – Sam Brownback
Newly appointed head of the US Office of International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, made his first public appearance at a gathering this week of Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders meeting to discuss a shared commitment to protecting religious minorities in the Muslim world, reports the Catholic News Agency. “I think . . . Read More

Europe shows ‘almost sinister’ indifference to persecuted Christianity – bishop

Europe shows ‘almost sinister’ indifference to persecuted Christianity – bishop
A new, aggressive form of atheism has led to a devaluing of religious freedom, a Catholic bishop in Austria has claimed. The Bishop of Linz, Manfred Scheuer, said that this new atheism associates religion with oppression and a lack of liberty, which has led to a selective interpretation of human . . . Read More

Iranian convert to Christianity – ‘If I went back, I’d be killed’

Iranian  convert to Christianity – ‘If I went back, I’d be killed’
A church in the UK has survived closure because of attendance by a growing number of asylum seekers from a Muslim background, reports the BBC. In the past two years 324 asylum-seekers have been baptised at Tredegarville Baptist Church in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Now 95 per cent of . . . Read More

Indonesia: Catholics forced to stop aid work after accusations of converting Muslims

Indonesia: Catholics forced to stop aid work after accusations of converting Muslims
Catholics from a church in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta have been accused of proselytism while distributing aid packages to the local mostly Muslim community, Catholic news agency UCAN reports. The packages, containing basic necessities and healthcare, were delivered to locals as part of a programme to celebrate the elevation . . . Read More