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India: Catholic schools under pressure in Madhya Pradesh

India: Catholic schools under pressure in Madhya Pradesh
A Catholic school in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has received threats from Hindu nationalists, who claim children at the school were punished for singing patriotic songs – the third school to come under pressure this month. The nationalists claimed around 30 students at the St. Joseph Convent . . . Read More

Iran: Wife of convicted pastor gets jail sentence of her own

Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, the wife of Victor Bet-Tamraz
The wife of an Iranian pastor sentenced to ten years in jail has been given a five-year sentence of her own. Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, the wife of Victor Bet-Tamraz, was convicted of “acting against national security and against the regime by organising small groups, attending a seminary abroad and training . . . Read More

Prominent China church demolished – second in month

Explosives are set off in the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi province, in a still taken from a video.
Chinese authorities demolished a church in northern China this week, the second in less than a month, ahead of new regulations on religion due to come into force on 1 February. Explosives were set off inside the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi province on Tuesday (9 January). According to . . . Read More