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Worldwide blasphemy cases highlighted in USCIRF report

Worldwide blasphemy cases highlighted in USCIRF report
In its push to see blasphemy laws repealed worldwide, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released a new report referencing some of the most high-profile cases. ‘Selected blasphemy cases’ highlights the well-known trials of Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama in Indonesia and Asia Bibi in Pakistan, alongside . . . Read More

Georgia set to pass Constitutional amendments that ‘violate’ religious freedom

Georgia set to pass Constitutional amendments that ‘violate’ religious freedom
Georgia’s parliament is tomorrow (26 September) set to sign into law changes to the country’s Constitution, including restrictions to freedom of religion or belief, which, human rights defenders say, will be used to “legitimise” violations. The proposed amendments would restrict religious freedom on the basis of “state [national] security or . . . Read More

Philippines: Catholic priest free but over 40 hostages still held in Marawi

Members of the Philippine army are clearing Marawi City of the last fighters of the insurgent Maute group. (Photo: Getty Images)
Catholic Filipino priest Teresito “Chito” Suganob may have been freed, but the war in the southern city of Marawi is not over yet, as 40 hostages are still being held by militants in the city, while almost half a million Marawi residents are internally displaced. Father Suganob arrived in the . . . Read More

India: ‘pressure from right-wing Hindus’ forced closure of Catholic children’s hostel

India: ‘pressure from right-wing Hindus’ forced closure of Catholic children’s hostel
A children’s hostel owned by the Catholic Church has been closed down by the government in the central  Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. A priest told Matters India that it was because the authorities are “under mounting pressure from right-wing Hindu groups”. The hostel, in the western district of Guna, allowed . . . Read More