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Israel: Messianic congregation reports abuse from Orthodox Jews

Israel: Messianic congregation reports abuse from Orthodox Jews
An Orthodox Jewish group shouted abuse as they protested outside a meeting of Messianic Jews in Arad, southern Israel, reports Middle East Concern (MEC). At the end of August the Messianic group, Hasdey Yeshua, were meeting in a warehouse when 20-30 members of the ultra-Orthodox group, Gur Hassadim, arrived and started swearing . . . Read More

Amnesty: UN must protect Central African civilians

Amnesty: UN must protect Central African civilians
A wave of brutal attacks in the Central African Republic, including the systematic rape and murder of civilians, highlights the urgent need for stronger UN action to protect civilians, says Amnesty International in a new report, published on 8 September. Amnesty’s in-depth report encompasses attacks on civilians in the eastern prefecture . . . Read More

US ‘sidelining’ role of religion in diplomacy is ‘devastating’

Shaun Casey (centre) in his role as Special Representative to Cyprus for Religion and Global Affairs of the State Department of the United States of America, speaks during a press conference at the end of a meeting with the religious leaders of Cyprus in March 2016.
The elimination of the Office of Religion and Global Affairs within the US State Department by the Trump administration is “devastating”, writes Shaun Casey, and shows its failure to understand the importance of the role of religion in diplomacy. In his article for ‘Religion and Politics‘, Casey, former US special . . . Read More

Christian children in Iran told: ‘study Islam or leave school’

Christian children in Iran told: ‘study Islam or leave school’
Christian children in two large Iranian cities have been told to either study Shia Islam or leave school. The children are members of the non-Trinitarian ‘Church of Iran’ denomination in the northern city of Rasht, near the Caspian Sea, and the historical southern city of Shiraz, respectively. Until recently the . . . Read More

Muslim asylum seekers find shelter in Germany’s churches

A church in Germany. (Photo: Paul Frankenstein via Flickr; CC 2.0).
Refugees at risk of deportation from Germany are finding shelter in Germany’s churches, and many are becoming Christians in the process, reports The Washington Post. More than a million refugees travelled to Germany in 2015, in the midst of Europe’s so-called “migrant crisis”, because it was known for its open . . . Read More