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IS guilty of genocide, says US Secretary of State

rex tillerson flickr
The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has stressed that the actions of the Islamic State (IS) group against Christians, Yazidis and Shia Muslims constitute genocide, and also criticised America’s ally, Saudi Arabia, for religious freedom violations. Tillerson made his “genocide” comments in the preface to the State Department’s annual . . . Read More

Growing list of Christians charged under Russia’s ‘anti-missionary law’

Growing list of Christians charged under Russia’s ‘anti-missionary law’
A year on from Russia introducing its “anti-missionary bill” in July 2016, more than 180 cases have been brought before court, with prosecutions steadily increasing throughout the 12-month period. The list of cases against 129 individuals and 52 religious communities, published by regional news agency Forum 18, includes missionary activity . . . Read More

Jharkhand the latest Indian state to pass ‘anti-conversion bill’

Jharkhand the latest Indian state to pass ‘anti-conversion bill’
The Indian state of Jharkhand passed an “anti-conversion bill” at its Assembly meeting on 12 August, despite demands that the bill should be sent to a select committee for further scrutiny. “This is not normal,” Indian journalist Anto Akkara told World Watch Monitor. “It shows the growing arrogance of the . . . Read More

Blasphemy laws violate human rights in 1/3 nations – USCIRF

Over a third of the world’s countries have blasphemy laws that violate at least one internationally recognised human rights principle, according to a new report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).
Over a third of the world’s countries have blasphemy laws that violate at least one internationally recognised human rights principle, according to a new report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Most blasphemy laws are “embedded in criminal codes” and are “vaguely worded”, with “unduly harsh penalties . . . Read More

Six Red Cross workers among dozens killed in C. African Republic

This week the UN warned of the risk of genocide once again in the Central African Republic, saying the situation has deteriorated in recent months. Last week, dozens lost their lives in clashes between armed groups in the south-eastern town of Gambo, about 75km from Bangassou, where recent violence has . . . Read More

Seven Christians smuggled out of IS-held Raqqa

Seven Christians smuggled out of IS-held Raqqa
Kurdish-led forces in Syria rescued seven Christians from IS-held Raqqa on Tuesday (8 August). “Our forces have saved two Armenian families,” said Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a coalition of Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Armenian, Turkmen and Circassian militias. The Syriac Military Council (SMC), a member of . . . Read More