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G20 ‘missed opportunity’ to tackle major global issue: religious freedom

G20 ‘missed opportunity’ to tackle major global issue: religious freedom
By not discussing international religious freedom at the G20 summit in Germany last weekend, world leaders failed to address the root cause of major global issues like the migrant crisis, says David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA. As a result, “we can expect more violence from religious intolerance, a . . . Read More

European Parliament condemns ‘in strongest terms’ Eritrea’s human rights record

European Parliament condemns ‘in strongest terms’ Eritrea’s human rights record
The European Parliament (EP) has passed a resolution condemning in “the strongest terms” the “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations” in Eritrea, reports CSW. It follows 2016’s report by the UN that the country’s “crimes against humanity” should be investigated by the International Criminal Court. The EP resolution describes . . . Read More

Beheaded Kenyans belonged to local church

Security forces on guard after Al-Shabaab terrorists killed 147 and injured 79 students at Garissa University College in Nairobi, Kenya, on April 2, 2015. (Photo: Getty Images)
A number of the nine Kenyan men beheaded by Islamist militants Al-Shabaab on Friday night (11 July) belonged to a local church, local sources told World Watch Monitor. One witness, Johnson Kitsao, told the Washington Post earlier the attackers were “specifically looking for non-Muslim men”. The attack took place late . . . Read More

US lawmakers call for continued sanctions against Sudan as Bashir plans Russia visit

Sudan's President Omar Bashir attending the Arab League summit meetings in Jordan in March 2017. Photo: Getty Images
A bipartisan group including 53 US lawmakers has urged President Donald Trump to delay the permanent lifting of sanctions on Sudan, ahead of tomorrow’s (12 July) deadline for a decision to be made. Meanwhile, Sudan’s President, Omar Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes including . . . Read More