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Philippines: Islamist separatists endorse fatwa denouncing extremist violence

Philippines: Islamist separatists endorse fatwa denouncing extremist violence
The Philippines’ largest Muslim rebel group has backed a fatwa against violent extremism issued by a senior Islamic religious leader in the troubled southern region of Mindanao. Sheikh Abehuraira Abdulrahman Udasan, mufti of the influential Bangsamoro House of Opinion in Mindanao, issued the Islamic legal ruling “against the entry and . . . Read More

Thousands of Nigerian refugees forced back home to looming famine

Thousands of Nigerian refugees forced back home to looming famine
Thousands of Nigerians who fled Boko Haram’s insurgency, and sought refuge in neighbouring Cameroon, have been forced back home, the UN said on 29 June, as Reuters reports. According to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), some 887 Nigerians, most of them children, were repatriated against their will on 27 June alone. The . . . Read More

Lawyer ordered to apologise or be barred from work after highlighting Sri Lanka’s intolerance

Lawyer ordered to apologise or be barred from work after highlighting Sri Lanka’s intolerance
The Sri Lankan government is facing criticism from human rights groups after ordering a lawyer to apologise and offer a retraction for comments he made in a TV interview, when he highlighted growing religious intolerance in the country. During the interview on 14 June, Lakshan Dias referenced a recent report . . . Read More