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Arrest of Philippines bishop condemned as ‘illegal’

Arrest of Philippines bishop condemned as ‘illegal’
The arrest and detention of Carlos Morales, Bishop of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Independent Church), for harbouring a man wanted by the police has been condemned as “appalling and a violation of human rights”, reports ACNS. Mathews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Thailand-based Christian Conference of Asia, said in a statement . . . Read More

Istanbul Patriarch ‘losing sleep’ over closed Orthodox seminary

Istanbul Patriarch ‘losing sleep’ over closed Orthodox seminary
Istanbul’s Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew II admitted last week that he is “losing sleep” over the long-delayed opening of the Holy Theological School of Halki. The historic seminary is located on an island hilltop, an hour’s ferry ride from Istanbul. One of the most prestigious seminaries in Eastern Orthodoxy, the Halki . . . Read More

US Christian arrested for ‘hostile acts’ against North Korea

US Christian arrested for ‘hostile acts’ against North Korea
A fourth US citizen has been detained in North Korea, as he prepared to leave the country after working for several weeks at the Pyongyang University for Science and Technology, which trains the children of North Korea’s elite and which numbers Christians on its staff. The North Korean state-run news agency KCNA said . . . Read More