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North Korea detains another Korean-American ‘Christian’

North Korea detains another Korean-American ‘Christian’
North Korea has detained another American citizen, reports Reuters. Korean-American Tony Kim was arrested on Saturday (22 April) at Pyongyang International Airport as he was trying to leave the country. He had spent a month teaching accounting at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST). The university’s chancellor, Chan-Mo Park, . . . Read More

‘Blasphemy’ leads to another murder in Pakistan

‘Blasphemy’ leads to another murder in Pakistan
Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has urged his countrymen to collectively condemn the lynching of a Muslim student killed for allegedly posting “blasphemous” content on Facebook. Mashal Khan, 23, was reportedly “stripped, beaten, shot, and thrown from the second floor” of the Abdul Wali Khan University in Mardan, northern Pakistan, . . . Read More

Persecution of Christians ‘still not taken seriously’

Christians are the “most harassed religious minority in the world” but their oppression is largely under-reported in the West.
Following the Palm Sunday bomb attacks on two Egyptian churches, Ewelina Ochab, writing for Forbes, suggests that it’s time to be more proactive in response to the persecution of Christians – “the most persecuted religious group in the world”. “The situation [for Christians] has not improved [in] recent years,” she writes. . . . Read More