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Chinese Communist Party using CCTV to ‘maintain social order’ at churches

Cross on Dongguang Church in Shenyang, north-eastern China
The Chinese government is forcing churches in Zhejiang province to install CCTV reports UCA News. The Communist Party in the heavily Christian province on China’s east coast wants Catholic and Protestant churches to install CCTV cameras inside and outside their buildings, in a bid to control the number of Christians . . . Read More

Chibok girl: ‘Don’t forget us’

Chibok girl: ‘Don’t forget us’
A schoolgirl who escaped from Boko Haram militants in Nigeria has called on the international community not to forget those still in captivity. The abduction of 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria’s north-eastern town of Chibok in April 2014 by Islamist militants caused a global outcry – and prompted campaigns about girls’ . . . Read More

Argentinian priest transferred due to drug traffickers’ threats

Police in Buenos Aires, 2013. (Flickr / Beatrice Murch / CC)
An Argentinian priest has been transferred from his parish due to repeated threats from drug traffickers, reports Agenzia Fides. His bishop, Fernando Carlos Maletti, made the decision to transfer Father Eduardo Farrell due to the continued threat of violence in the Sagrado Corazon parish of Merlo-Morena diocese, 25 miles west . . . Read More