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Sudan: Justice criticises NISS intelligence agency

Sudan’s Deputy Chief Justice has denounced “ongoing arbitrary arrests” by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). “The security apparatus should not be left to do whatever it wants,” said Justice Abdulmajid Idris, who also criticised long periods of detention without trial. The NISS has been involved in the arrest . . . Read More

Merkel accused of downplaying attacks on Copts

A leading German Catholic priest yesterday (2 March) criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for “genuflecting” to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and failing to raise human-rights concerns as she headed to North Africa for trade talks. Joachim Schroedel, who has worked in Egypt for more than two decades, rejected Mrs . . . Read More

Indonesia President blames democracy for ills

Indonesia’s President has blamed rising religious intolerance in the country on democracy. Joko Widodo said democracy has “gone too far” and that “political freedom paved the way for extreme political practices”. Human Rights Watch’s Deputy Director for the Asia region, Phelim Kine, wrote that while Indonesia “unquestionably has a problem . . . Read More

Unauthorised Christian activity banned in Xinjiang

Chinese authorities in the north-western region of Xinjiang have banned all Christian activities not linked to state-approved churches, apparently in an “anti-terror” move. Zhu Xiaohu, a house-church member from the city of Wusu, was one of six Christians recently fined 1,000 yuan ($145). Their Bibles were also confiscated. “They want . . . Read More

Muslims condemn killings of Copts, as more flee

An ultra-conservative Islamic political party in Egypt, Al-Nour, has publicly condemned the killings of Copts in northern Sinai, saying they “go against the teaching of Islam”. The House of Fatwa, chaired by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, also condemned the murders, saying they are “sabotaging” national unity. Coptic families have . . . Read More