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Trump travel ban dints Iraqi Christians’ support

Iraqi Christians who backed the candidacy of Donald Trump have become disillusioned with his presidency since his executive order barred Iraqis, along with citizens of six other Muslim-majority countries, from entering the US. Many Iraqi minorities supported Trump because of his anti-Islamic State rhetoric. The Assyrian Church of the East’s . . . Read More

US policy ‘sets back’ persecuted Christians’ cause

President Trump’s executive order on refugees will “set back, not privilege, the cause of persecuted Christians,” claims a leading US academic. The US policy will “undermine the credibility of these Christians’ appeals to universal human rights, makes their protests look like special pleading and hinders their already difficult task of . . . Read More

Indonesian Muslim a ‘role model’ on tolerance

A university professor on religious freedom, who frequently lectures in Jakarta, has hailed the actions of a local Muslim as an example on how to show tolerance in the “chaos” of elections. Paul Marshall, senior fellow at the Leimena Institute, welcomed the actions of a man named Fikri, who, despite . . . Read More

IS ‘mass rape’ of Iraqi minority women is ‘normal’

As the battle to regain Mosul intensifies, a captured Islamic State (IS) militant has said his commanders gave permission for the men to rape as many Yazidi women as they wanted. Speaking to Reuters, Amar Hussein, 21, said he raped more than 200 women from Iraqi minorities. He also claims . . . Read More

65,000 children freed from armed groups in 10 years

At least 65,000 children have been released from armed forces and armed groups in the past 10 years, UNICEF said as leaders from around the world gathered in Paris on 21 Feb. to mark the anniversary of the Paris Commitments to end the use of children in conflict. “Ten years . . . Read More

‘God allowed my missionary father to be killed’

A woman whose father was one of five American Christian missionaries killed by Amazonian tribesmen in 1956 is the subject of today’s Witness programme on the BBC. Valerie Shepard and her widowed mother Elisabeth Elliot spent two-and-a-half years living with the tribesmen shortly after her father, Jim, and four of . . . Read More