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Is Sudan really ready for sanctions to be lifted?

One of Barack Obama’s last acts in office was to scale back a 20-year-old trade embargo on Sudan. The move has been criticised by human rights groups, which have called it “premature” and “despicable”, but has the country and its President, wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, . . . Read More

Chinese lawyer in state of ‘terror and confusion’

A Chinese Christian human rights lawyer has been returned home in a shocking state of mental disturbance after 18 months in custody. Li Chunfu was one of more than 300 lawyers rounded up by the Chinese government in July 2015. When he was returned home to his wife on 12 . . . Read More

2017 Myanmar refugee suicide study

A new study has found a high incidence of suicide among women in camps housing long-term refugees fleeing Myanmar’s ethnic conflict, reports the BBC News Magazine. In a study of refugees in Thailand’s Mae La camp, where 90% are ethnically Karen – a group that mainly identifies as Christian – . . . Read More