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Church body calls for equal education in N Nigeria

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the north-eastern state of Yobe has appealed to the state government to introduce Christian religious studies in public schools. Despite the constitutional provision for freedom of worship, the teaching of Christian religious knowledge is prohibited by local authorities in Yobe and other northern . . . Read More

Mother and son escape after 2 years under IS

A Christian mother and son who escaped Islamic State-held Mosul have told their story of kidnap and torture by the extremists. Speaking to the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Jandark Benham Mansour Nassi, 55, and her son Ismail, 16, gave an account of being taken from their . . . Read More

Governor Taseer’s son accused of hate speech

The son of a senior politician murdered six years ago for criticising Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy law has been accused of committing “hate speech” for echoing the criticism. Shaan Taseer, son of the former Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, said the law was “inhumane” during a filmed Christmas message shared via social . . . Read More

USCIRF says Myanmar must ‘control’ its military

A new, critical report on religious freedoms in Myanmar by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom says the major challenge facing Aung San Suu Kyi’s government is “bringing the military under civilian control”. The report says the Burmese Army, which, due to constitutional provisions, is beyond civilian control, has . . . Read More