The Nigerian army has had some success subduing Islamist group Boko Haram, but Christians are still being killed in Nigeria. Many of the killings are carried out by nomadic Hausa-Fulani herdsmen, a largely Muslim ethnic group that frequently targets the more settled Christian farming communities of central Nigeria. Meanwhile, 12 of Nigeria’s northern states employ Sharia (Islamic law), and Christians in these states face discrimination and restrictions in accessing community resources, such as clean water, health clinics, and higher education.

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Nigeria: Bishop accuses authorities of inaction in face of ‘wave of terror’

Bishop Joseph Danlami Bagobiri from Kafanchan in Nigeria visiting ACN International office in Königstein, 19th April 2016.

A Catholic Bishop has accused the authorities in Nigeria of the suspected supply of arms to an Islamist terrorist network, which he claims has infiltrated federal and state governments. Bishop Joseph Bagobiri of Kafanchan, Kaduna state, said he believed that the government has done little or nothing to stem “a […]

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