The Nigerian army has had some success subduing Islamist group Boko Haram, but Christians are still being killed in Nigeria. Many of the killings are carried out by nomadic Hausa-Fulani herdsmen, a largely Muslim ethnic group that frequently targets the more settled Christian farming communities of central Nigeria. Meanwhile, 12 of Nigeria’s northern states employ Sharia (Islamic law), and Christians in these states face discrimination and restrictions in accessing community resources, such as clean water, health clinics, and higher education.

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14 million affected by Nigeria conflict

Boko Haram’s insurgency has created a severe humanitarian crisis in Nigeria’s north-eastern States of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, says ACAPS, a Swiss-based research group, in its July . Over 14 million people are affected by conflict in these states and more than 10 million are in need, it says. Recent […]

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UPDATE: Nigerian Christians told to ‘buckle up’ after preacher hacked to death

UPDATE: Nigerian Christians told to ‘buckle up’ after preacher hacked to death

Mother of seven, Eunice Elisha, was murdered close to Nigeria’s capital, AbujaWorld Watch Monitor   A female preacher was hacked to death in the early hours of 9 July near Nigeria’s capital. Eunice Elisha, a mother of seven, had gone out to preach as was usual, her husband, Olawale Elisha, […]

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Nigeria considers giving Islamic appeals courts authority to take criminal cases

Nigeria considers giving Islamic appeals courts authority to take criminal cases

A Sharia court in northern Nigeria.Courtesy of Open Doors   The situation Nigeria’s National Assembly is considering a change to the country’s constitution that would expand the scope of jurisdiction of the country’s Islamic Sharia courts of appeal. Currently, the constitution limits those appellate courts to matters concerning family law. […]

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