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In new report on religious freedom, US government turns its attention to blasphemy laws

In new report on religious freedom, US government turns its attention to blasphemy laws
The U.S. State Department on 10 Aug. released its 2015 International Religious Freedom Report. Required by U.S. law, the report contains an assessment of the conditions supporting, or suppressing, freedom of religion or belief in nearly 200 countries, excluding the United States. The annual document influences American diplomacy and assistance . . . Read More

UPDATE: Attack by suspected militants leaves 7 dead in DRC

UPDATE: Attack by suspected militants leaves 7 dead in DRC
UPDATE (5 August): Seven people have lost their lives following an attack by suspected Ugandan Islamist rebels from the ADF – in Oicha, in DRC’s troubled eastern North-Kivu province. The 30 July attack took place at about 5.30pm, local sources told World Watch Monitor; the Congolese army, supported by UN . . . Read More

Unlawfully detained for months, Sudan church leaders finally in court

Unlawfully detained for months, Sudan church leaders finally in court
After nearly eight months of legal limbo, a Sudanese court has finally seen three detained Christian leaders, while charges against them remain officially “unknown”. Hassan Abduraheem Taour and Kuwa Shamal, both Sudan Church of Christ (SCC) pastors, and Abdulmonem Abdumawla Issa Abdumawla, appeared at the Bahri Criminal Court for a . . . Read More

‘We have no voice’: Christians in Jordan 2 years after fleeing N. Iraq

‘We have no voice’: Christians in Jordan 2 years after fleeing N. Iraq
Bahar (left), 81, with her daughters, Samira and Bahija. IS beat Bahija and ransacked their home in Tel Kayf, outside Mosul. Bahar’s family shares a one-bedroomed house in Amman with another family of three, who sleep in the lounge.World Watch Monitor   Bahija, 65, a housekeeper, told me she cries . . . Read More

Indian Supreme Court rules compensation for worst-ever anti-Christian violence ‘not enough’

Indian Supreme Court rules compensation for worst-ever anti-Christian violence ‘not enough’
India’s Supreme Court Chief Justice has ordered that adequate compensation has not yet been paid to the victims – in 2008 – of religiously-motivated violence by Hindus against Christians in the Kandhamal district of Odisha (formerly Orissa), eastern India. The success of the petition, brought by Raphel Cheenath, the local . . . Read More