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Anti-Christian violence in India at an ‘alarming level’

Anti-Christian violence in India at an ‘alarming level’
A message is held aloft at a protest march against anti-Christian violence – in Bangalore in February 2015.World Watch Monitor   The leader of a Christian advocacy group in India says that incidents of anti-Christian violence in the country have reached an “alarming level”, with more than 30 incidents a . . . Read More

2 years after IS drove them from their homes, Iraqi Christians ‘are still in survival mode’, bishop says

2 years after IS drove them from their homes, Iraqi Christians ‘are still in survival mode’, bishop says
U.S. State Department Deputy Secretary Antony Blinken at the Washington Conference on Threats to Religious and Ethic Minorities Under ISIL, 29 July in Washington, D.C.Video capture / U.S. Office of Policy Planning and Public Diplomacy   Two years after being driven from their homeland by the so-called Islamic State, displaced . . . Read More

Copts attacked, forced to settle for nothing, in absence of Egyptian justice

Copts attacked, forced to settle for nothing, in absence of Egyptian justice
Eight Christian homes were attacked and an equal number of Copts were detained after Muslims in an Egyptian village went on a rampage following rumours of a house church being built. The attack last week in Saft el-Khirsa (180km south of Cairo) trails more than a dozen others that have, . . . Read More

The murder of a French priest has horrified the world. The same thing happens to Christians in lesser-reported places

The murder of a French priest has horrified the world. The same thing happens to Christians in lesser-reported places
Rev. Jacques HamelEglise Catholique de Rouen The 26 July killing of a Catholic priest in his church in St. Etienne du Rouvray, France, once again has pushed jihadist violence into the headlines. The so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the murder, committed by two knife-wielding attackers who were shot and . . . Read More

Iraq’s Mosul Archbishop had to pay ‘protection money’ before his 2008 kidnap and death

Iraq’s Mosul Archbishop had to pay ‘protection money’ before his 2008 kidnap and death
The Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul, who was murdered by militias in 2008, paid protection money to safeguard his clergy for years before his kidnapping and death, an aide has told World Watch Monitor. Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho was abducted in February 2008 from the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which . . . Read More

A dozen incidents against Egypt’s Copts in 7 weeks

A dozen incidents against Egypt’s Copts in 7 weeks
Since May 2016, Egypt’s Christians have suffered multiple attacks. Reflecting what most Copts see as the country turning a blind eye to increased violence against its Christian minority, the Coptic Church’s Bishop Makarius tweeted on 17 July “reminding” president Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi that Copts “are Egyptian citizens”, and that his diocese . . . Read More