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Iraqi Yazidi couple flees ISIS to freedom

Iraqi Yazidi couple flees ISIS to freedom
Rescue operations began Dec. 19 in northern Iraq for thousands of Yazidi villagers trapped for the past four months on Mount Sinjar and its surrounding villages. Aided by a barrage of coalition air strikes, Kurdish Peshmerga forces began a military offensive on Dec. 17 to break the siege imposed upon Sinjar’s . . . Read More

Christmas 2014 ‘evokes not joy but fears’ for India’s Christians

Christmas 2014 ‘evokes not joy but fears’ for India’s Christians
Christmas is an occasion mostly associated with joy and celebration. But since the start of the holiday season, India’s minority religious groups of Christians and Muslims have been especially under pressure. The Indian Parliament has hardly functioned since the start of December because several opposition lawmakers have been protesting a . . . Read More

Three more cases in which Pakistani Christians accused of blasphemy

A brick kiln in Pakistan where 24 bonded-labourer Christian families narrowly escaped a mob attack in December 2014.  (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Three more cases of blasphemy accusations have emerged in Pakistan, even after a Christian couple’s beating to death and burning in a brick kiln after allegations of blasphemy horrified the world, including the metropolitan elite in the country. The Christian couple were killed over suspicions of desecrating the Qur’an on . . . Read More

Dispatch from Aleppo

Dispatch from Aleppo
Free Syrian Army fight government forces, north of Aleppo 21 Aug 2012Photo: CC/ Christiaan Triebert   From today World Watch Monitor will publish an occasional diary from a Christian pastor living in Aleppo, the Syrian city that has become a key battleground between rebels and President Assad’s government forces. After . . . Read More

Muslim and Christian leaders pledge to promote dialogue in Great Lakes region

Muslim and Christian leaders pledge to promote dialogue in Great Lakes region
Attendees of Interreligious Dialogue for Peace and Security in Great Lakes region; Nov 18World Watch Monitor   Clerics from Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo have pledged to promote dialogue aimed at preventing sectarian conflict in their countries. Twenty-one Christian and Muslim leaders gathered Nov. 17-18 at Cyangugu, Rwanda, . . . Read More