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Al-Shabaab kills 36 Kenyan Christians on Somali border

Al-Shabaab kills 36 Kenyan Christians on Somali border
Al-Shabaab militants have slaughtered 36 quarry workers in northern Kenya – all of the victims are believed to be Christian. Local residents told the BBC that the militants separated the group from Muslim workers before shooting them dead. Al-Shabaab, an al Qaeda affiliate based in Somalia, has claimed responsibility for . . . Read More

Pope Francis addresses plight of Christians in Turkish visit

Pope Francis addresses plight of Christians in Turkish visit
Turkey’s tiny Christian population was grateful for Pope Francis’s Nov. 28-30 visit to their country, during which he called for an end to all forms of violent fundamentalism in the war-torn Middle East. In a Nov. 30 joint statement with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual head of the Eastern Orthodox . . . Read More

Northern Christians accuse government of neglect as Boko Haram continue its killing spree

Northern Christians accuse government of neglect as Boko Haram continue its killing spree
Displaced Christians expressed their anger at the headquarters of the Church of the Brethren, or EYN Church, in Jos. Nov. 17World Watch Monitor   Hundreds of Christians, displaced by the Islamist insurgency in Nigeria’s North, have been staging protests to express their anger over the government failure to protect them . . . Read More

Peace prize awarded to Central African Republic top clerics

Peace prize awarded to Central African Republic top clerics
L to R: Rev. Nicolas Guérékoyamé Gbangou; Imam Omar Kobine Layama; Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga; at the Nov. 13 Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C..Courtesy of SFCG   The three top religious leaders of the Central African Republic have been awarded a prize for their efforts for peace in the war-torn Central . . . Read More

Turkey plans new global Islamic university

Turkey plans new global Islamic university
In an aggressive move to position itself as the intellectual center of the Muslim world, Turkey has announced plans to open an Islamic university similar to Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the oldest and most respected center of Islamic learning. Ankara’s announcement comes amid years of legal stonewalling for Turkey’s Christian minorities to . . . Read More

‘Kidnapping,’ forced conversion and collective punishment haunt Egypt’s Copts

‘Kidnapping,’ forced conversion and collective punishment haunt Egypt’s Copts
It’s been two months since Coptic Christians in an Upper Egypt village endured a traumatic sequence of events ending in heavy police abuse. The victims still have not received any justice from the state security authorities who broke the law and violated its citizen’s human rights. On Sept. 16, in . . . Read More

Bail granted for pastors nearly mobbed for sharing their faith in Bangladesh

Bail granted for pastors nearly mobbed for sharing their faith in Bangladesh
Two Bangladeshi pastors have been released on bail today after having been arrested and nearly mobbed by about 200 Muslims who gathered to attack a Christian meeting they were leading in northern Bangladesh. Around noon on Nov 9, in a village in the northern district of Lalmonirhat, locals were outraged . . . Read More