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Indonesia: Three churches closed in permits dispute

Officials close and seal the doors of the Assemblies of God church in West Kenali village, Sumatra, who have been meeting since 2004. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Three churches were closed in an Indonesian village last week amidst rumours Muslims were planning to protest against the churches’ presence because they did not have the required permits. But a pastor from one of the affected churches in West Kenali village, Alam Barajo district, in Sumatra’s central Jambi province, . . . Read More

Sudanese government gives back 19 properties to church body

While church properties were returned to the SCOC, other church bodies like SPEC are also in conflict with the government over the ownership of their properties in Bahri (Khartoum North) and Omdurman. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
The Sudanese government has returned ownership of 19 properties to the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC), two years after it confiscated them. The land-ownership documents were handed back on Monday (24 September), a local source told World Watch Monitor. In August a Sudanese court ruled against the government and ordered . . . Read More

Turkish-US officials ‘cautiously optimistic’ of Brunson’s release

Andrew Brunson (Getty)
Both Turkish and US government officials have voiced cautious optimism that American pastor Andrew Brunson, jailed by Turkey for the past two years on terrorism allegations, could be released at his next trial hearing, set for 12 October. “It’s a possible outcome,” a Turkish official told the Wall Street Journal . . . Read More