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Sudan’s aerial bombing aims at churches in Nuba Mountains

Sudan’s aerial bombing aims at churches in Nuba Mountains
After Khartoum denied that it had bombed civilians earlier this month, Sudanese aerial strikes last week were aimed at church buildings and schools in Kauda, South Kordofan state, a humanitarian aid worker said. Antonov airplanes dropped bombs on Thursday and Friday (March 22 and 23), destroying some houses and cattle . . . Read More

Briefs: recent incidents of persecution

Briefs: recent incidents of persecution
Police arrested five Christians on March 25 in Dhanegaon, Chhinwara, after Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh attacked them and accused them of forceful conversion. A source told World Watch Monitor the extremists barged into the Sunday worship service of Bharatiya Pratna Bhawan (India Prayer Hall), beat pastor Harichand . . . Read More