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Adding insult to injury – Pakistani church leaders arrested, fined for ‘not putting security in place’

Bishop of Multan Leo Paul with a security inspection team outside Multan Cathedral, late Dec 2017
Pakistan intelligence agencies on Tuesday (19 December) put out an alert that major parks could be targeted by suicide bombers over Christmas in Lahore, capital of Punjab province – where the largest population of Christians resides. On Sunday (17 December), two suicide bombers attacked Bethel Memorial Methodist Church in the . . . Read More

India’s top Catholic on Hindutva attacks: ‘country being divided on basis of religious belief’

India’s top Catholic on Hindutva attacks: ‘country being divided on basis of religious belief’
The President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), Cardinal Baselios Cleemis, has expressed a lack of trust in the government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as the leader of the ruling BJP – known for pursuing a Hindu nationalistic agenda. “The country is being divided on the . . . Read More

Indian ‘converted by carol singers’ now claims membership of militant Hindu group

Indian ‘converted by carol singers’ now claims membership of militant Hindu group
An Indian man who claimed a group of carol singers illegally converted him has now said he is a member of the militant Hindu group Bajrang Dal and is unwilling to confirm his allegation. The complaint made last Thursday (14 December) to the police by Dharmendra Dohar led to the . . . Read More