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British PM Theresa May hears about plight of Christians in Middle East

British PM Theresa May hears about plight of Christians in Middle East
The British Prime Minister Theresa May was briefed on the plight of Christians and minorities in the Middle East in a meeting yesterday (13 December) with an Iraqi priest who has been looking after refugees who fled IS violence. Father Daniel Alkory highlighted the plight of Christians and minorities in . . . Read More

Over 800,000 call on UN to protect Christians in Middle East

Noeh (bottom) with his parents, Hathem and Almas, and siblings Sam (17), Jan Hannah (14), and Salina (7). (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
A petition signed by more than 800,000 people will be presented at the United Nations in New York today (12 December), calling for the protection of Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria, and recognition of the key role faith leaders can play in rebuilding efforts post-Islamic State. The . . . Read More

Nigeria: Plateau attackers arrested, as Christians call for grazing ban

Nigeria: Plateau attackers arrested, as Christians call for grazing ban
Many experts now report that ongoing violence in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, where mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen have attacked predominantly Christian farmers, has killed more people than Boko Haram. Now, after a period of relative calm, that violence has resumed in Plateau state, which has also witnessed the deadliest sectarian violence . . . Read More

Nigeria: Northern Christian leaders claim government lacks political will to stop Fulani herdsmen’s impunity

Nigeria: Northern Christian leaders claim government lacks political will to stop Fulani herdsmen’s impunity
Christian leaders in northern Nigeria have continued to lament the impunity with which Fulani herdsmen are attacking Christians in the region, especially in Plateau state, and the lack of political will by the federal government to stop it – in spite of their repeated calls. Last Thursday (30 November), at . . . Read More

CAR: ‘They wanted to silence the preacher who converts Muslims to Christianity’

The Central Mosque of Bangui in the predominantly Muslim neighbourhood of PK5. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Four years ago today, an eruption of violence in the capital of the Central African Republic, Bangui, left dozens dead and shattered the lives of many others. An attempt by Anti-Balaka (“anti-machete”) vigilantes to oust rebel leader Michel Djotodia, who had swept across the country into the capital to proclaim . . . Read More