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‘There will never be peace for Nigeria’s Middle Belt unless there’s equality and justice’

‘There will never be peace for Nigeria’s Middle Belt unless there’s equality and justice’
Obscured by Boko Haram’s headlines, violence has also raged further south, in Nigeria’s Middle Belt: a less reported, years-long campaign which experts now believe has been responsible for more deaths than Boko Haram. Militants among the ethnic Fulani, a predominantly Muslim and nomadic population of cattle herders, are suspected of targeting . . . Read More

China passes new religious regulations ‘to prevent extremism’

China passes new religious regulations ‘to prevent extremism’
China has passed a new set of rules regulating religious affairs, a year after the proposed amendments were released to the public for the first time. The new rules, announced yesterday, show no significant alterations to last year’s proposals, though there is noticeably less detail given regarding those who will be . . . Read More

China bans children – and their teachers – from churches

china school
Unofficial estimates say that there are close to 100 million Christians in China, more than are members of its Communist Party, due to hold its 19th five-yearly National Congress in mid-October. But in several provinces, children were banned from attending Christian camps over the summer holidays while notices were issued . . . Read More

Catholic priest killed, another injured in spate of attacks in CAR

Catholic priest killed, another injured in spate of attacks in CAR
The situation continues to deteriorate in the Central African Republic, with various incidents reported in September. According to local sources, a retired Catholic priest has been killed, another injured, and a Catholic Church compound hosting thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) looted, in separate incidents. On 3 September, Father Robert . . . Read More

India: cautious response to appointment of first Christian to Modi’s cabinet

Alphons Kannanthanam was sworn in on 3 September at the Presidential Palace in New Del
Church officials in India’s Christian heartland of Kerala are cautiously optimistic following the appointment of a first Christian MP to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet, amid heated political debate. Modi’s past three years at the head of a Hindu nationalist government (the BJP) have seen a rise in radical extremism . . . Read More