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Jailed Iranian Christian asks authorities: ‘Why do you hate me?’

Jailed Iranian Christian asks authorities: ‘Why do you hate me?’
An Iranian convert to Christianity, sentenced last week to 15 years in jail, has written an open letter to the authorities, asking what he has done to “make you hate me this much” and declaring that he has decided to “terminate my life slowly” through a hunger strike. Amin Afshar-Naderi . . . Read More

Indians take to the streets in protest against religious violence

Indians take to the streets in protest against religious violence
Thousands of people, including church groups and representatives of civil society, have gathered in cities across India over the past ten days to protest against mounting religious intolerance and to express solidarity with the victims of the violence, under the banner “Not in My Name”. The protests in Kolkata, Hyderabad, . . . Read More

Third Iranian convert given lengthy sentence alongside pastor

Third Iranian convert given lengthy sentence alongside pastor
More details have emerged about the sentencing of four Iranian Christians earlier this week. On Wednesday (5 July)*, World Watch Monitor reported that three Christians – a pastor and two converts to Christianity – had been given lengthy jail terms, but now it emerges that a fourth man, another convert, . . . Read More

Iran sentences four more Christians to 10 years in jail for ‘missionary activities’

Iran sentences four more Christians to 10 years in jail for ‘missionary activities’
One Iranian and three Azerbaijani Christians have been found guilty of “missionary activities” and “actions against national security” in Iran and sentenced to 10 years in prison. World Watch Monitor understands that the three Azerbaijanis – Eldar Gurbanov, Yusif Farhadov and Bahram Nasibov – are unlikely to serve their sentences . . . Read More