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Kidnapped missionaries appear in video posted by jihadist groups in Africa’s Sahel

Kidnapped missionaries appear in video posted by jihadist groups in Africa’s Sahel
A coalition of jihadist groups affiliated to Al-Qaeda released a video showing six foreign hostages, including three missionaries, just hours before France president Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Mali, where France agreed to help support anti-terrorist efforts in the Sahel. According to the US-based monitoring group SITE, the undated 16’50” footage . . . Read More

Islamic State in Asia: what you need to know

Islamic State in Asia: what you need to know
When Islamic State (IS) launched its so-called caliphate in 2014 it had seized territory in Iraq and Syria. However over the last 18 months, militants claiming allegiance to the group have carried out attacks in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, while the group also has sympathisers in India . . . Read More

Al-Azhar says Islam ‘totally incompatible’ with violence, as IS shifts focus to Upper Egypt

Al-Azhar says Islam ‘totally incompatible’ with violence, as IS shifts focus to Upper Egypt
Scholars at Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, the pre-eminent seat of Sunni Islamic learning, have submitted a bill to the Egyptian government, which “aims to reaffirm the total incompatibility between the violence justified by religious arguments and Islamic law”. As World Watch Monitor reported on 21 June, Al-Azhar has distanced itself from . . . Read More

Kidnapped Philippines priest ‘alive’ but Marawi situation ‘dire’

Kidnapped Philippines priest ‘alive’ but Marawi situation ‘dire’
The Catholic priest abducted by the Maute terrorist group last month – in the early stages of its ongoing assault on the city of Marawi in the southern Philippines – is believed to be still alive, after his release was reportedly offered in exchange for the parents of the Maute . . . Read More

CAR’s clerics say ‘war must stop’ as killings continue despite peace agreement

CAR’s clerics say ‘war must stop’ as killings continue despite peace agreement
More than 100 people were killed last week in the Central African Republic (CAR), only a day after a peace agreement was signed by 13 of the country’s 14 armed groups in Rome, brokered by the Catholic peace-building group Sant’Egidio. Rev Nicolas Guérékoyamé-Gbangou, president of the Evangelical Alliance – one . . . Read More