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‘Change your image of India from a nice backpacking trip to Taj Mahal!’

‘Change your image of India from a nice backpacking trip to Taj Mahal!’
India, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan top the list of countries where religious freedom is under pressure, according to the Annual Interim Report 2017 of the European Parliament Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Religious Tolerance’s, presented in Brussels last week. “Forget the image of a nice backpacking trip . . . Read More

Sudanese woman who escaped 100 lashes for adultery and death for apostasy, three years on

Sudanese woman who escaped 100 lashes for adultery and death for apostasy, three years on
(Full transcript of video at bottom.) Three years ago today, a young Sudanese mother was freed from prison after narrowly escaping being hanged, first having been lashed 100 times for adultery. The delay on carrying out Mariam Ibrahim’s double sentence was due only to the fact that she was heavily . . . Read More

Sudan churches risk letter to government on ‘systematic violations’, including church demolition

Sudan churches risk letter to government on ‘systematic violations’, including church demolition
The Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) has written an open letter to the Khartoum government protesting “the systematic violation of Christian religious freedoms”, including the recent demolition of one of their churches in the Suba area of the capital, Khartoum. The SCOC represents about 220,000 of about two million Christians . . . Read More

Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy for saying he believes Jesus was final prophet

Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy for saying he believes Jesus was final prophet
A Pakistani bike shop owner has been accused of blasphemy after telling one of his customers that Christians believe Jesus to have been the final prophet. Ashfaq Masih, 28, was arrested following accusations that he had “disrespected” Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. The incident took place in Lahore last Thursday (15 June) . . . Read More

Pakistan expels South Korean for ‘illegal preaching’ after murder of Chinese ‘missionaries’

Pakistan expels South Korean for ‘illegal preaching’ after murder of Chinese ‘missionaries’
Pakistan has ordered a South Korean man to leave the country, accusing him of involvement in “illegal preaching activities”, after two of his students at an Urdu-language school were abducted and killed by the Islamic State group, which claimed they had been secretly preaching Christianity. “Investigations have revealed that [Juan . . . Read More

Anger and tears as Otto ‘completes his journey home’

Anger and tears as Otto ‘completes his journey home’
The family of 22-year-old Otto Warmbier confirmed his death yesterday (19 June), just a week after he was released, in a coma, from 15 months’ detention in North Korea. In a statement, the family said it was their “sad duty to report that our son, Otto Warmbier, has completed his . . . Read More

India’s Christian leaders distance themselves from ruling Hindu nationalists

India’s Christian leaders distance themselves from ruling Hindu nationalists
The leaders of India’s Christian minority – 2.3 per cent of India’s 1.3 billion population – have distanced themselves from rumours of increasingly close ties with the ruling Hindu nationalist BJP. The latest rumours began following a meeting between senior Catholic Church leaders and the BJP’s national president, Amit Shah, . . . Read More