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Concerns about tolerant Indonesia: 3 more churches closed

Church members of the Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) of Yasmin Bogor and the Batak Christian Church (HKBP) of Filadelfia Bekasi, along with inter-faith human rights activists and students of the Jakarta Art Institute, held the 100th open-air Sunday Service in front of State Palace in September 2015 after their church buildings were sealed in 2010. (Photo: World Watch Monitor)
Indonesian authorities in Bogor, West Java, have banned three churches from holding religious activities. According to UCANews the Methodist Church Indonesia, Huria Batak Protestant Church and a house used by Catholics for catechism classes were ordered to close their doors. Local authorities said they could not guarantee the safety of the . . . Read More

‘If Bin Laden’s disciples are seen as terrorists, why should we wonder about the ADF in DRC?’

‘If Bin Laden’s disciples are seen as terrorists, why should we wonder about the ADF in DRC?’
World Watch Monitor speaks to Nicaise Kibel’Bel Oka, editor of “Les Coulisses” (Behind the Scenes) magazine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. Oka recently published a book (in French): “The advent of jihad in DR Congo – the unknown Islamist terrorism of the ADF” (Allied Democratic Forces). WWM: Is . . . Read More

Pakistan government to Facebook, Twitter: Remove insults to Islam

Pakistan government to Facebook, Twitter: Remove insults to Islam
­­­­­ A Pakistani government minister has asked Facebook and Twitter to remove content considered insulting to Islam or Muhammad. “We will go to any extent even if we have to go to the extent of permanently blocking all such social media websites, if they refuse to cooperate,” Interior Minister Nisar . . . Read More

Mexican Christian starts new life away from village where he was beaten, imprisoned and eventually forced to leave

Mexican Christian starts new life away from village where he was beaten, imprisoned and eventually forced to leave
After facing beatings, imprisonment and eventually exile from his home village, Lauro Pérez Núñez and his family are starting a brand new life. He and his wife Amalia, converts to evangelical Christianity, were first ordered to leave La Chachalaca, in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, in 2015, together with their four children. . . . Read More

Accounts surface of persecution of Christians in Dunkirk migrants’ camp

Accounts surface of persecution of Christians in Dunkirk migrants’ camp
Outside the windswept port of Dunkirk, in northern France, sits a migrants’ camp called La Linière. Home to around 1,400 people, it lies 25 miles from Calais and the now-demolished camp that became known as the “Jungle”. La Linière opened a year ago, with the collaboration of Médicins sans Frontières . . . Read More

Iran’s hidden Christians are becoming visible in the migrant camps of Europe

Iran’s hidden Christians are becoming visible in the migrant camps of Europe
A pastor in northern France has described her church’s ministry to Middle Eastern migrants in a nearby camp as “the mission field coming to you”. The church’s leader, Pastor Lydie Granger, said that among the estimated 1,400 migrants living in the camp outside Dunkirk were around 40 Iranians who had . . . Read More